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K-pop has become a true global phenomenon, sending Korean waves internationally. The world has fallen in love with Korean Pop because of its distinctive blend of addictive melodies, mesmerizing choreography, production values, and an endless parade of attractive South Korean performers who spend years in gruelling studio systems, into learning to sing and dance in synchronized perfection. Korean music has always been around but K-pop in particular has become increasingly visible to global audiences, in the past five to 10 years. None of this is accidental. K-pop has become the international face of South Korea thanks to an extremely regimented, coordinated production system. More than any other international music industry, K-pop has been strategically designed to make its way into your brain — and to elevate South Korea and its culture in to world stages. How did we get here? What has the future got to hold? Through a combination of global political changes, savvy corporatization and media management, and a heck of a lot of raw talent being ground through a very powerful stardom.

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